Why self-serve?

The way customers shop for vehicles has changed.

Today, customers visit less than 2 showrooms before making a purchase, usually after spending 3 months researching their options online.

Customers are growing increasingly tech-savvy, and over 50% of businesses are responding by adding self-serve facilities to their websites and stores.

To help dealers reach those tech-savvy customers that are quickly becoming the norm, Chorley Yamaha with MotoNovo have introduced self-service for our Motorcycle & Scooter dealers 

MotoNovo Self-Serve presents a seamless, multi-channel experience facilitating the customer's need to be in control of the finance process and future-proofing the dealer's business. 

How it works

  1. Customers can find there Bike or Scooter they want from the dealer's showroom or website.
  2. The customer makes an enquiry either online, in the showroom, or over the phone. 01257 230300
  3. Dealers log into Nexus 2 and have the option of sending a proposal via the standard Nexus 2 method, or via Self-Serve, for the customer to propose themselves.
  4. Customers can review the quotes and apply through the portal for finance.
  5. If accepted, customers are emailed a link to click, read, and sign their contracts.
  6. Dealers receive a copy of the agreement via email and are notified of payout. 
  7. Dealers can arrange the delivery of the vehicle and the customer then gets to drive away happy..